Kazakh Physical Society

The Republican Public Association "Kazakh Physical Society" is a non-commercial organization operating on the basis of voluntary membership. The KPS carries out its activities in the interests of its members to coordinate the activities of the physical community of the RK. The main objectives of the KPS are:

  • to promote the development of physical science and the propagation of physical knowledge
  • carry out expertise and consultation on the development of policies in the management of science and education, the development of high-tech industry
  • popularize physics and its applications in the Kazakh society through interaction with local and international media
  • to increase the attractiveness of physics as the main area of specialization among students studying in Kazakhstan's higher educational institutions at the level of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies
  • to facilitate the interaction of physicists working in the field of applied research with local and international enterprises in order to stimulate the development of innovations and high technologies in Kazakhstan
  • to promote international cooperation with physicists from all over the world working in academic, engineering and industrial organizations
  • to defend the scientific, professional and social interests of its members
  • to develop creative and business contacts with scientists, engineers, enterprises, professional, national and international public organizations


  • The president T.A. Kozhamkulov , Academician of NAS of the RK, professor, «Honored employee of science and technology of the RK», Laureate of al-Farabi State Prize in the field of science and technology in 2015
  • The First Vice President T.S. Ramazanov , Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Academician of NAS of the RK, professor, Laureate of al-Farabi State Prize in the field of science and technology in 2015
  • The Vice President M.T. Gabdullin, Rector for Science and Innovation of KBTU, professor, Laureate of al-Farabi State Prize in the field of science and technology in 2015
  • Scientific Secretary М.N. Sultangazina

    Members of the Board:

    • K.A. Baigarin , Vice President for Innovation and Research of Nazarbayev University, professor
    • N.T. Burtebaev , Deputy General Director of the INP for scientific and methodical work, professor
    • A.E. Davletov , Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Corresponding Member of NAS RK, professor
    • М.Е. Аbishev , Head of the Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics of KazNU named after al-Farabi, Corresponding Member of NAS RK, professor
    • N.G. Dzhumamuhambetov , Head of the Department of Physics and Technical Sciences of AUOG, professor
    • N.Kh. Ibrayev , professor of KarSU named after Buketov
    • V.N. Kosov , Head of the Department of Physics KazNPU named after Abai, Corresponding Member of NAS RK, professor
    • O.A. Lavrishev , Director of IETP, professor
    • R.K. Myrzakul , Head of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics of the ENU named after Gumilyov, Corresponding Member of NAS RK, professor, Laureate of al-Farabi State Prize in the field of science and technology in 2017
    • M.K. Skakov , Deputy Director General for Science of NNC of the RK, professor


    1. Theoretical Physics – chairman М.Е. Аbishev , Corresponding Member of NAS RK, professor
    2. Astrophysics – chairman Сh.T. Omarov , V.G. Fessenkov astrophysical institute director
    3. Plasma physics – chairman A.E. Davletov , Corresponding Member of NAS RK, professor
    4. Nuclear physics – chairman N.T. Burtebaev , professor
    5. Condensed matter physics – chairman S.E. Kumekov , professor
    6. Atomic and Molecular Physics – chairman V.N. Kosov , Corresponding Member of NAS RK, professor
    7. Applied Physics – chairman A. Desyatnikov , professor, Nazarbayev University

    Regional branches:

    1. Astana – director K.A. Baigarin , Vice President for Innovation and Research of Nazarbayev University, professor
    2. Almaty – director M.T. Gabdullin , Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation of KBTU, professor
    3. Almaty region – director E.S. Andasbaev, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov, professor
    4. Aktobe region – director K.Sh. Shunkeev, First Vice-Rector of ARSU named after A. Zhubanov, professor
    5. East Kazakhstan region – director M.K. Skakov, Deputy Director General for Science NNC of the RK, professor
    6. Jambyl Region – director T. Bizhigtov, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of TarSPI, professor
    7. Karaganda region – director A.S Kudusov, Head of the Department of Physics and Nanotechnology of the KarSU named Buketov, associate professor
    8. Kyzylorda Region – director B. Kaliev, Head of the Department of Physics and Mathematics of KSU named after Korkyt Ata, professor
    9. Mangystau region – director G.N. Nigmetova, professor
    10. North-Kazakhstan region – director B.M. Useinov , professor
    11. Turkestan region – director A.B. Oralbayev , professor